

Shine the Spotlight on

Student Success

Uncharted Learning offers exciting options for students to showcase their businesses, compete for prizes, and build connections. We encourage all students to participate so their hard work is celebrated outside of the classroom. Students interested in participating should work with their teachers to submit.


Four Opportunities—Learn More:


11th-Annual INCubatoredu National Pitch

The INCubatoredu National Pitch invites student teams to submit to pitch their businesses and compete for funding at a national level.  Each team competing in the National Pitch must have completed the INCubatoredu program, and be nominated by their school.  This is a unique opportunity for INCubatoredu student teams to level up skills to compete for real funding from a panel of startup business investors at the national level.

National Pitch Details and Submission Form

National Student Showcase

The National Student Showcase invites all current and past student teams to sell products, gain feedback, and market their brand!  The marketplace-style event will be held live in Chicago immediately following the National Pitch event and will be attended by 200+ National Pitch guests. 

Details to follow in April



MobileMakersEdu AppVenture Contest

This contest invites MobileMakersEdu students to work independently or with up to two other MME students to build an app that solves a problem they care about. This is an out-of-the-classroom contest that encourages current MobileMakersEdu students to develop their own app which makes use of a new framework or Swift concept not covered in the MobileMakersEdu course. This app will demonstrate their knowledge of the Swift programming language and Xcode.  Students submit their app along with a video, and three entries will win awesome prizes!

AppVenture Contest Details & Submission Form


The GritGrant Award

The McKenzie Family Foundation, in partnership with Uncharted Learning, is offering $2,500 grants to four high school students who demonstrate and personify perseverance and grit.  Grit is inspirational. It comes from passion, perseverance, and a never-quit attitude.  The McKenzie Foundation wants to encourage student passion and perseverance when things seem too tough to keep going. The student's teacher should submit letters of recommendation, and no minimum GPA is required.

GritGrant Details & Submission Form





Ready to join us at Summit? 


uncharted-learning-2024-summit-280 SheClasp-National Pitch Winner MME