Uncharted Learning National Summit 2021
Reflect + Recharge
Elevate and Iterate Your Teaching
National Summit | Teacher Trainings | National Student Pitch
This virtual professional development event is for our communities of INCubatoredu, MobileMakersEdu, and mxINCedu educators and is focused on entrepreneurship, app development, industry connections, and innovative instruction.
Traveling and gathering in the summer of 2021 is unpredictable. To ensure everyone’s safety we will once again host our events virtually. During the 21-22 school year we plan to provide small regional gatherings that minimize travel and allow subsets of our communities to connect face to face.
Who Should Attend and When?

Program Membership Includes Comprehensive Professional Development
High School Programs
Grades 9–12
The INCubatoredu + ACCELeratoredu programs engage students in real-world business entrepreneurship education led by teachers, mentors, and coaches from the community. We train educators of any discipline to lead this course. Professional development includes 'bootcamp' entrepreneurship training, regular meet ups, and year-long support by the UL team and a robust community of educators who lead this course. Want to learn more?
High School Programs
Grade 9-12
The MobileMakersEdu + MobileMakersStudio programs immerse students in app development led by teachers and supported by current, working iOS experts. We train teachers to code mobile apps and lead this course. Teachers from all disciplines are welcome! Professional development includes an immersive coding bootcamp, followed up with regular meet ups and importantly, access to real-world developers and MobileMakersEdu educators to provide support all year. Learn more today. #everyonecancode!
Middle School Program
Grades 6–8
The mxINCedu program empowers students with the tools and mindset to explore what it takes to be an entrepreneur. This program includes curriculum, training and access to a community of educators leading the same program in schools nationwide to share and collaborate. Training includes adoption, consultation around implementation, and year-long support. Learn more today.
